Meeting Minutes

Fallbrook Amateur Radio Club
Roy Noon Meeting Hall, Fallbrook, California
September 7, 2024

President Ron Patten, KG6HSQ, called the meeting to order at 1501 hrs.

The pledge of allegiance was conducted by Ron, KG6HSQ.

Ron, KG6HSQ, reported that there is an active fire on Camp Pendleton, designated the Roblar
fire. Currently at 200 acres with a dangerous rate of spread.

Checking Balance July 31, 2024 $8,128.94
Petty Cash Balance July 31, 2024 $481.81
Total $8,610.75

Donation $60.00
Membership Dues $160.00
Total $220.00

P.O. Box Rental $182.00
Field Day Brisket $325.00
Total $220.00

Petty Cash Balance August 31, 2024 $431.81
Cash Additions $0.00
Total $481.81

Checking Balance August 31, 2024 $7,841.94
Petty Cash Balance August 31, 2024 $471.81
Total $8,323.75

Ron, KG6HSQ, recapped the August 24th Activity Day event. Held from 0800-1200 on a
neighbor’s property adjacent to Stephen, KC6MIE. Ron showed a number of pictures from the
event. Activities included Jacob, KO6DSS, making 30 contacts on 10m, Stephen working with a
new ham and emails sent and received via Winlink VARA HF.

Ron, KG6HSQ, announced a number of events coming up this fall:
October 12th, North County Fire Open House
October 20th, the Fallbrook Harvest Faire
December 7th, the Fallbrook Christmas Parade

Stephen, KC6MIE, described the currently ongoing 2024 Route 66 On The Air event. Not a
contest, but a fun event with special activity stations W6A thru W6W. This event is presented
every year by the Citrus Belt Amateur Radio Club. With one station contact, participants are
eligible for a very nice certificate. See for details.

Ron, KG6HSQ, gave a presentation on the Jarvis Island 2024 DXpedition. The crew motored to
the island on a 157’ catamaran. They can’t stay overnight on the island and can’t anchor off, but
must continuously motor off the island. Radios are on the island, but 4 are operated remotely over internet
with 2 operators on the boat . Ron showed pictures from a number of websites documenting the event.

President Ron Patten, KG6HSQ, adjourned that meeting at 1614 hrs.

Brent Dussia, KJ6UMY
Fallbrook Amateur Radio Club