Fallbrook Amateur Radio Club Bulletin

October 2023

We Will Be Doing A Live Meeting October 7

And Zoom If Everything Works.

Members To Get Email Invite
Visitors Will Need To Contact Webmaster.

[email protected]

The Fallbrook Amateur Radio Club normally meet at 3:00 PM on the first Saturday of the month.

Normal Meeting Location, The Scout Hut, 231 E. Hawthorne St. Map

This Months Meeting Agenda

  • Club Emergency Service Sticker
  • Up Coming Events
  • What Have You Been Doing

Fallbrook Amateur Radio Renewals

NameCallDate Expires

Skinner, Mark KF6MZQ 6/30/2023
Third Notice

Pacheco, Robert KN6NDQ 7/31/2023
Second Notice

Bell, Ron W6BJO 8/31/2023

Kadien, Tom AF6UL 8/31/2023
First Notice

Gill, Bob W6RMG 9/30/2023

Allen, Tony KU6E 9/30/2023

Tiosejo Jr., Ruben KD6CWI 9/30/2023

Olson, Scot KN6VRI 9/30/2023

Member Renew

Upcoming Local Events

– NCFD Open House, October 14, 0900-1300 Station #1
– Shake Out, October 19, 1000
– Harvest Fair, October 22
– Veterans Day Parade, November 11, 0845 Stage, 1000 Start
– Christmas Parade, December 2, 1500 Stage, 1700 Start
– Field Day 2024, June 22-23

Upcoming ARES & Community Events 

Join ARES to get more information. https://www.sdgares.net/

October 7, 2023 San Diego (Lakeside) Hamfest http://lakesidearc.org/
October 14, 2023 ARES Meeting (with presentation on ARRL Technical Specialists by Michelle W5NYV) 
Oct 27 & Nov 4, 2023, Two-Day Extra Cram Class & Exam  (for info contact AF6GM [email protected]
Nov 18, 2023 ARES Meeting (date moved) 
December 2, 2023 One-Day Technician Cram Class & Exam (for info contact AF6GM [email protected]

Recordings of past ARES meetings: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-7mirT-kjfvMtIy27R505aqnmfCQuWNQ 

Updated Information On Our Webpage

Solar System Component Sizing Guide

Radio Programing And Cheat Sheets

Communications A, B, C’s

During public service events, smoke and fire watches, and emergency nets, keep transmissions concise. Drop the ham speak, of long transmissions of extra words and phrases.

Use the communications A, B, C’s.

  • Accuracy
  • Brevity
  • Clarity

News & Views


What is USB-C? All you need to know! – ChargerLAB Explained


Your Car is a Privacy Nightmare On Wheels


Learning About Radio Does Matter

By Dan Romanchik, KB6NU

I recently received an email from someone who reads my blog that struck a chord with me.
He wrote:

“I’ve been a ham for decades, operate all modes (but mostly CW), and do a lot of Parks on the Air (POTA). I also spend a lot of time recruiting people into the ham radio hobby and mentoring new hams. It’s that last focus that prompts this question.

“For a variety of reasons that I can’t put on my finger on, it seems like more and more hams don’t really care about how radios or antennas work, and don’t want to invest much time or effort into learning such things. They just want to turn it on and use it. How it works, and what’s going on inside of the box, aren’t important.

“For example, I know of one guy—a General-class licensee—who decided his top-of-the-line Yaesu HT was ‘defective’ because whenever he pressed the push-to-talk switch on one of the repeater frequencies, the radio transmitted on a different frequency. Ugh. Another guy I know thought that his hamstick wouldn’t tune because the wire coil was installed upside down. As you’d guess, the hamstick tuned and worked just fine.

“Some people say that we should get hung up on this. Get new hams into the hobby and they’ll learn as they go on. Except that doesn’t seem to be happening, at least not consistently. Even very experienced, highly educated hams can be clueless on very simple, fundamental radio concepts.

“So, here’s the question: does any of this matter? I don’t know how my microwave oven works, and I don’t’ need to, and I don’t want to. All I want to do is push a button. So maybe it’s perfectly fine that hams don’t know about radio technology and we should stop pretending that any of this matters. Put ‘em through a ‘ham cram’ and get them on the air. Or maybe amateur radio transceivers are different than microwave ovens and it does matter. I don’t know. I go back and forth on this and don’t really have a clear assessment in my mind.

“Anyway, since this seems like the kind of thing you’ve already thought about, I wonder what you make of all this. If you’re sitting around with nothing to do, I’d be curious to know what you think.”

Yes, learning about radio does matter

This struck a chord with me because I teach ‘ham cram’ classes, and I often encounter people who think this way. They just want to push buttons and talk on the radio. They say, “I’m only going to use it when I go off-roading with friends,” or “I’m only going to use it when my CERT team is activated.”

I always ask them what they’re going to do when something goes wrong (and we know that at some point, something is going to wrong). I tell them that without some basic knowledge of how radios and antennas work, they aren’t going to be able to fix problems or work around them, and if they can’t do that, they’re not going to be very effective communicators and their experience is going to be very frustrating. Not only that, I explain that they’ll have a lot more fun with ham radio if they understand how the technology works.

So, the question is how to get these people to be more curious about radio technology and how to encourage them to learn more. Being insulting or negative isn’t the way to do it. I hope, for example, that when the guy complained about his Yaesu HT, that someone patiently explained how repeaters work. Sure, he should have known that already, but belittling him for not knowing this would only do more harm than good.

I don’t think that you can fault people for not knowing things, but you can fault them for not wanting to learn things. There’s a lot to learn in ham radio, and you can’t learn it all before you get a license. In fact, I’d argue that most things you can only learn after you get a license and start doing things.

Having said all that, our challenge is to make ham radio a place where those that want to learn things can thrive. I think that we’re doing better at that. Look at all the YouTube channels where you can learn about just about anything that ham radio has to offer. The ARRL is getting in on this as well, with its “Learning Center.”

I’d say not to worry about those who don’t want to invest the time and effort. They’re not going to be hams for very long. They’re going to get frustrated when they can’t get things to work and drift off to something else. Let’s concentrate those who are curious and able and willing to invest the time and effort and make good hams out of them.

Dan Romanchik, KB6NU, is the author of the KB6NU amateur radio blog (KB6NU.Com), the “No Nonsense” amateur radio license study guides (https://KB6NU.Com/study-guides/), and often appears on the ICQPodcast (https://icqpodcast.com). When he’s not writing about amateur radio, he tinkers with electronics projects and operates POTA and works CW on the HF bands.

Meeting Minutes

Fallbrook Amateur Radio Club

September 2, 2023

President Ron Patten, KG6HSQ, called the meeting to order at 1503 hrs.

The pledge of allegiance was conducted by Ron, KG6HSQ.

Ron, KG6HSQ, reported issues with the 2 meter repeater. The antenna has a high SWR of 4:1. He has installed a UPS to prevent repeater controller reset during the weekly generator tests.

Brent, KJ6UMY, gave the following financial report.

Checking Balance July 31, 2023 $7,956.59
Petty Cash Balance July 31, 2023 $366.81
Total $8,323.40

Membership Dues $100.00
Total $100.00

Field Day Food $165.00
Repeater Repair Parts $246.73
P.O. Box Rental $176.00
Total $587.73

Petty Cash Balance July 31, 2023 $366.81
Cash Additions $0.00
Total $366.81

Checking Balance August 31, 2023 $7,468.86
Petty Cash Balance August 31, 2023 $366.81
Total $7,835.67

Brent, KJ6UMY, gave a presentation on how to make a low cost choke balun for about $10 in parts compared to prices from $30-$90 when purchased

Lee, KM6UFF, gave two presentations. The first was for a quick start programming guide for four popular HT’s. The second was on how to select a solar panel, charge controller and battery for various appliance demands. Both presentation are available on FARC’s website.

Stephen, KC6MIE, reminded us that the Route 66 event starts on Friday, September, 8that 1700 hours. Participants that make at least one contact can receive a colorful Route 66 certificate. Stephen also reminded those club members with a General or Extra license that Kenwood TS-440s radios are available for load from the club.

President Ron Patten, KG6HSQ, adjourned that meeting at 1641 hrs.

Brent Dussia, KJ6UMY
Fallbrook Amateur Radio Club